Home Office Tax Kit 2024

How to save Thousand$ on your taxes with the home office tax deduction!

Do you work at home...or want to work at home...and need to know how to safely deduct expenses tied to a home office? Done right...the home office tax deduction could be worth THOUSANDS of dollars to you...and it could add six figures to your nest egg by the end of your working years!

This course goes into detail about how to safely document and deduct all the potential expenses of a home office. Think about what you could deduct...

- Rent

- Mortgage interest

- Real estate taxes

- Utilities

- Condo maintenance fees

- and more!

In virtually every video lecture, we cite the IRS code or publication that goes into detail about each aspect of the home office tax deduction.

What's that, you think that you don't qualify? No worries...this course gives you guidance so you know how to qualify confidently.

In addition to including IRS publications and IRS-approved worksheets...this course also includes checklists and spreadsheets developed by a tax pro with 25 years of tax experience. You will also get the instructor's proprietary Home Office Expense Tax Estimator (excel-compatible) as a bonus.

You will learn...

- How to take the home office deduction if you missed doing so last year (or the year before)

- Learn how your home office can turn your local travel into tax-deductible travel

- Learn from one case study how the home office helped one taxpayer get a refund of taxes that he didn't pay!

- Find out about how an obscure tax ruling can give you tax-free income...while your business gets a deduction.

- Learn how your annual tax savings from a home office can be turned into an added six figures to your nest egg.

and more! Start today to get huge tax savings from your home office...this year and for years to come.

The instructor:

Paul Mladjenovic, a CFP Board Emeritus (R), is a retired tax pro, national speaker and the author of the best-selling Stock Investing For Dummies. He also teaches the course How to Make Any Expense Tax-Deductible.  


  1. This Course is educational and informational ONLY. It is not advice. Please review any ideas or strategies covered in this course with a competent tax professional.
  2. In the ZIP file that contains the content, view the READ ME FIRST file (in PDF) for details. Thank you!

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