Financial Firewall - September 2015

Financial Firewall...Avoid the Fiscal Cliff!

From the author of "Stock Investing for Dummies":

What Can You Do to Protect Your Money in the Age of Financial Chaos?

We are facing both probably the greatest debt bubble and bear market since 2008...RIGHT NOW.

What can you do now to achieve financial security?

Answer: Put up a “Financial Firewall” and protect your hard-earned money and Financial assets immediately from one of the country’s leading forecasters and financial educators.

The market is crazy and dangerous…and it will get worse! You have already seen the carnage since 2008…

· The Dow’s volatility goes up drastically!
· Unemployment keeps soaring!
· Financial anxiety keeps rising!
· Federal deficits are exploding!
· The economy keeps struggling and sinking!
· Our Debts are growing out of control!
· Stock and mutual fund values keep dropping!

We are in the worst economy since the Great Depression and more chaos is yet to come.

Hello! My name is Paul Mladjenovic I am on record as forecasting an inflationary depression where the economic pain for our nation will be worse than the 1930s. So far that forecast is half-way here…yes…we are in a depression RIGHT NOW.

Inflation and more economic pain is on the way.

What will be the impact be on…
· Your investment portfolio?
· Your IRA and your 401K plan?
· Your total financial picture?

It is time to put a “Financial Firewall” around your hard-earned money!

This is the latest edition of “FINANCIAL FIREWALL”. This latest version audio seminar will show you strategies and resources to help you do just that. In this audio program, you will learn…

· Where NOT to put your money for the coming months and years
· The sectors and industries you MUST AVOID or your portfolio will be demolished
· The only safe areas that you can place your money now
· The two techniques you can use right now in your portfolio to protect positions from free-falling
· The 5 things you must consider before your invest your first dollar
· The #1 reason you should own physical precious metals
· The three most important considerations for any stock or ETF you hold (or want to buy)
· The sectors and industries that will survive the current economic difficulties
· What to have in your 401K plan…and what to avoid like the plague!

Let’s face it…we are in unprecedented times! Yesterday’s
financial strategies could be devastating for your financial health. There will be points addressed in this program that many financial advisors are not considering at all. For less than the cost of a decent lunch, you will learn the power of putting a “firewall” around your hard-earned money in today’s economy.

Think about what you will get…instantly…when you order the “Financial Firewall” audio program…

Get the full audio seminar (1 ½ hours in MP3 format). It is
nearly an hour and a half of Paul Mladjenovic going into great detail about financial safety strategies that anyone can apply immediately. It’s not a classroom lecture…it’s a personal session from Paul on how to protect your finances in these troubling times. The powerful strategies and techniques will help you get through today’s risky and volatile markets.

Agenda (in DOC & PDF format). To help you step-by-step through the audio seminar. It will reinforce the points made and help you get the most out of the session. Hyperlinks to resources are included.

In addition to the audio and the Agenda/Slides, you will also get these great free bonuses:
· Free Bonus #1: Ebay Master Class (in PDF). Build up your cash by selling your stuff on Ebay. This is an easy, beginner's guide to gaining cash by selling your un-used stuff on Ebay.

· Free Bonus #2: Manage your Cash Flow! (spreadsheet) This custom-designed spreadsheet will help you take control of what comes in and what goes out in your cashflow scenario.

· Free Bonus #3: Balance Sheet Analysis (spreadsheet). This custom-designed spreadsheet will help you take control of you assets, liabilities and calculate your net worth.

· Free Bonus #4: Private Financial Firewall Videos to financial safety strategies to help you protect the stocks and ETFs in your portfolio.

· Free Bonus #5: Financial Intelligence Top 10 (PDF report). I share with you 10 of my favorite resources to keep you ahead of the crowd so that you can plan and prepare before the rest of the world gets blind-sided.

· Free Bonus #6: “15 Easy Ways to Make Money in Your Spare Time”. Diversify not just your investments…but your income too! Here are great ways to add income to your situation…from the comfort of home!

The Financial Firewall program will go back to $27 by the end of September...

Don’t delay… take advantage of the spectacular discounted price and also protect yourself and your money immediately…

Only 1 or 2 strategies in this program could be worth thousands to you…face 2015-16 with more confidence and more financial control.

Build your Financial Firewall today...for only $7.00! Protect your money starting right now...


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